CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualIndex−12
KEMA certificate, xxxiv
Key caps, 2−58
L (flashing), on VGA display, 6−139
L4 (Venus level jumper), 5−39
Labels, preparing, 2−58
Replacing, 2−58
Testing, 2−59
testing. See Diagnostics
facility, I−2
hardware, 5−27 , K−2
TCP/IP, 9−3
disconnecting file server, 5−21
10/100BaseT, 2−36
10Base2, G−3
10/100BaseT, 2−36
10Base2, G−4
use of non−Jupiter equip, 2−36 , G−3
Laser compliance, xxxiii
See also Dune
defined, Glossary−5
Leave alone, 5−45
LED Error codes, CB−3000, R−1
Lens chips, 2−58
LEV key (CP−3000), 6−14
breakaway, CP−3830, 6−81 , 6−94
CP−3824, 6−84
CP−3832/3864, 6−102
CP−3800 button, 6−41
defined, Glossary−5
Disabling breakaway to, 5−59
Disabling switching on, 5−59
Mapping, 2−29 , 5−41
Max inputs/outputs, 5−38
max. no. of, 1−16 , 1−27
Physical. See Physical level
Switcher Description table, 5−35
Limits, system, 1−17
Default, 5−146
defined, Glossary−6
Machines to control panels, 5−141
Panel. See MC−3020L
Load, Factors, 1−17
Local Security Policy, I−5
Lock, 6−12
See also Unlock
CP−3000 panel, 6−11
CP−3020 panel, 6−26
CP−3800, 6−61
CP−3808, 6−69
CP−3824, 6−79
CP−3830, 6−92
CP−3832, 6−104
defined, Glossary−6
GUI panel, 7−8
Locked pathfinding, 5−182
Log Viewer, JNS, 12−1
Logger, JNS, 12−1
date/time stamp, 12−1
Logging, defined, Glossary−6
Logical, Level
Mapping, 2−29 , 5−41
Name, 5−35
Number, 5−35
Logical level mapping, defined. See level
Logical level name, defined, Glossary−5
Logical level number, defined, Glossary−5
Login, CP−3000 panel, 6−22
Logout, CP−3000 panel, 6−23
LOS, defined, Glossary−6
Loss of power, 5−21
Louth Automation, G−2
LZR Electronics, 2−38