CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual Index−13
M, in GUI status display, 7−15
M board. See CE−3000
MAC address, K−2
Machine control
CP−3800, 6−45
Devices table, 5−135 , 5−139
full function (GUI), 7−20
load factor, 1−18
slaved (GUI), 7−9
Machine Control table, 5−139
Machines table, 5−135
MADI, defined, Glossary−6
Mains voltage selection, 2−1
Manuals, related, xxv
Mapping, Logical level, 2−29 , 5−41
Mark, E−1
Mark key, MC−3000, 6−132
connecting to VM−3000, 1−11
inputs/outputs table entry, 5−38
protocol selection, 5−43
Master control. See MCS−2000; Saturn
Board. See Crosspoint board
Bus, defined, Glossary−6
Cable, VDE modifications, 2−7
Matrix Combiner. See 2x1 Matrix Combiner
MC, 5−37
MC−200/900/2095/2098. See Alamar
custom mounting, 1−15
Diagnostics, 6−133
Front panel drawing, 6−131
Load factor, 1−17
MPK Devices table entry, 5−107
operation, 6−131
Rear panel connectors, 1−12
Sony Auto−Edit, 6−133
Diagnostics, 6−137
Front panel drawing, 6−135 , 6−136
Load factor, 1−17
Operation, 6−135
Rear panel connectors, 1−12
Button labels, 2−58
CP output set entry, 5−82
Rear panel connectors, 1−12
Button labels, 2−58
CP input set type entry, 5−67
CP output set entry, 5−82
Rear panel connectors, 1−12
back panel drawing, 2−80
hardware overview, 2−77
reset switch, 2−79
MCS−2000, Machine control, Preroll key, 5−140
MCS−3500. See Saturn
MCS_TLY, 5−160 , 5−164
MCX 400. See 2x1 Matrix Combiner
MDI, 15−1
defined, Glossary−6
Clearing battery−protected, B−1
clearing PMEM, B−1
CP−3000 button, 6−15
CP−3800 button, 6−45
CP−3808 button, 6−68
CP−3824 button, 6−87
CP−3830 button, 6−96
CP−3832/3864 button, 6−112
MI 3040/T, 5−115
Back panel drawing, 2−80
GPI/O application (”MI−3040IO”), 5−115
Hardware overview, 2−77
in Saturn Tally systems, 2−69
MPK table entries, 5−115
Reset switch, 2−79
Software configuration, MPK devices table, 5−115
Tally, Hardware connections, 2−67
tally configuration (Standard tally), 5−152 , 5−158
MI−3040IO, 5−115
Microsoft programs. See name of program
MIDI, defined, Glossary−6
CP−3800, 6−44
CP−3808, 6−69 , 6−74
CP−3830, 6−96 , 6−98
CP−3832/3864, 6−112
CP−3832/64, 6−115 , 7−14
Mnemonic, defined, Glossary−6
Length, max, 5−62
Linking to switcher inputs, 5−62 , 5−66
Linking to switcher outputs, 5−78 , 5−81
Split, 5−64