CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualIndex−2
CM−4000/AccuSwitch application, G−8
Routing switcher protocol
Command set, N−1
Hardware connections, 2−88
Level indication, 5−60
load factor, 1−18
Serial protocol table entry, 5−31
Asoc name, 5−143
Assemble edit, MC−3000, 6−133
Assignable inputs. See Input Source Assignment
Assigning machines to control panels, 5−141
CP−3000 stereo switching, 6−18
CP−3800 stereo switching, 6−43
CP−3808 stereo switching, 6−74
CP−3830 stereo switching, 6−96 , 6−98
CP−3832/64 stereo switching, 6−115
GUI panel stereo switching, 7−14
Auto−Edit mode, 6−133
See also Thomson Automation
Output passwords ignored, 5−57
AV board, defined, Glossary−1
AVS−1B. See Utah Scientific
B&B Electronics, 2−13
Backup, redundant CM. See CM redundant installation
Base load factor, 1−17
Base multiplier, 1−21
Baud rate
1200/2400 for MPK control panel, 5−33
entry on Serial Protocol table, 5−31
BCS−3000, defined, Glossary−1
8723, 2−63
9505, 2−4
Mars protocol, 5−43
SDR−400 protocol, 5−43
super crosspoint bus, Glossary−2
Venus protocol, 5−43
Binary−hexadecimal−decimal chart, D−1
Black Box, 2−25 , 2−62 , 2−90
BNC Tee cover, G−6
Board Info/Control, JNS Control Center, 9−3
Board Override, 9−4
Board Status
JNS application, 8−1
JNS Control Center, 9−1
Boot, CM, B−1
BOP−4000, 2−8
Break out panel, 2−8
CP−3000, 6−14
CP−3800, 6−41
CP−3808, 6−67
CP−3830, 6−81 , 6−94
defined, Glossary−2
Disabling, 5−59
Switching, 5−50
Bridge, G−4
Broadcast Automation. See Thomson Automation
Replacing, 2−58
Testing, 2−59
testing. See Diagnostics
Bus, defined, Glossary−2
Button labels, 2−58
Button−per−input, defined, Glossary−2
Carts. See Audio carts
CAT 5E, 2−36
Categories, Changing factory names for, 5−101 , 10−5
Category set
Changing, 5−105
default, 5−68 , 5−69 , 5−84 , 5−85
defined, Glossary−2
Linking to switcher input, 5−62 , 5−66
Linking to switcher output, 5−78 , 5−81
CB−2000, 2−6
CB−3000, 1−2 , 2−3 , 2−6 , 2−87 , G−2
LED error codes, R−1
CC−2010 cable, 2−4
CDRH, xxxiii
CE−1003B, 1−11