Hardware Installation
2−3CM 4000 Installation and Operating Manual
CM 4000 Connection to Distribution SwitchersAlthough the CM 4000 supports both the JupiterXPress and AccuSwitch applications, only one of these applications can be
downloaded and executed in a single CM 4000 at one time.
•JupiterXPress provides a limited set of Jupiter switching and machine control functions using the CM 4000 as
the interface between Grass Valley Crosspoint Bus routers and the devices on page 1−27. This software cannot
be installed on systems containing VM 3000 or SI 3000 processors.
•The AccuSwitch product, when connected to and operated by a suitable automation system, allows determinis-
tic switching of a Crosspoint Bus router, with each switch guaranteed to occur one frame after receipt of the
automation system switch command; and, allows a sustained switching rate of up to 200 physical crosspoint
switches per frame. AccuSwitch installation and configuration is described in Appendix G.
JupiterXPress application − connection to Crosspoint Bus router
Figure 2−3. Example of CM 4000 / JupiterXPress installation.
CM 4000
CC 2010 Matrix (Crosspoint bus)
GS 400, Trinix,
or Venus router§§
time code required
for deterministic
Binary protocol
Crosspoint Bus port
For jumper and switch
setting information, re-
fer to the installation
manual supplied with
the router.
House sync
required for
vertical inter-
val switching.
CB 3000 Control Buffer
May be required when more than 50 matrix
boards are installed in switcher.
§Concerto requires Crosspoint Bus Adapter and
CRS−MC−C2 Controller Board. For more informa-
tion, refer to Grass Valley Field Engineering Bulle-
tin 075−0722−00, “Jupiter Crosspoint Bus Control
of Concerto Flexframe Routing Matrix.”
§§ For a complete list of supported Crosspoint
Bus routers, see page 1−11.