Configurator CP Output Set5−92 CM 4000 Installation and Operating ManualExpansion mode. Unless the panel is operated in “unbalanced split” mode, control of additional outputs ispossible using adjacent CP 3832 or CP 3864 panels. See Figure 5−75.
Output Set — 3832−OUT
default 1 MONITOR1 MON1
2 default 2 MONITOR2 MON2
64 default 64 VTR−12 VT12
96 default 96 AUX−12 AX12
65 default 65 VTR−13 VT13
CP 3864
Output button 1
Output button 65§
Output button 64
Output button 96§
CP 3832
CP 3832

Figure 5−75. Entries for CP 3864 used for destinations and CP 3832 used as

destination expansion panel.

Category Entry Mnemnonic Output Lev Set Button
§ When two or more CP 3832/3864 panels are used, button assignments are also determined by order of MPK table entries.

See page 5−128.

Data not used, but entry must be present to satisfy compiler. Each number in this column must be unique.