Tunnel Curtain
Tunnel Stage # 5
Min. Animal age 1
5.6.1 Adjusting Minimum Age for Tunnel Ventilation
The minimum age is used to prevent tunnel ventilation from being used
when the animals are too young. It ranges from 1 to 450 days. The
tunnel curtain will never open until the animal age reaches this value.
Select "9.Tunnel Curtain" from the main menu using the navigation
buttons then press the right-arrow key. Note that this menu is only
available if the tunnel curtain has been enabled during the installation
setup (see sec 5.14.3).
Press the right-arrow key once to select "1.Set Points" menu.
Press the down-arrow key once to
select "Min. Animal Age" then use
the adjustment buttons to set the
minimum animal age to the desired
Press the left-arrow key to exit this menu.
5.6.2 Selecting the First Tunnel Stage
The stage at which the tunnel curtain starts opening is related to a
specific fan stage. All consecutive fan stages will then operate as tunnel
fan stages. When the start temperature of the first tunnel fan stage is
reached, the curtain starts to operate according to the static pressure or
according to a timer (depending on the chosen mode).
Select "9.Tunnel Curtain" from the main menu using the navigation
buttons then press the right-arrow key. Note that this menu is only
available if the tunnel curtain has been enabled during the installation
setup (see sec 5.14.3).
Press the right-arrow key once to select "1.Set Points" menu. The
first tunnel stage # is displayed.
Use the adjustment buttons to set
the first tunnel stage.
Tunnel Curtain
Tunnel Stage # 5
Min. Animal age 1