Appendix C
Module Replacement
The battery and power modules and the main intelligence and redundant intelligence modules are user replace- able. If a power or main intelligence module fails and a “redundant” module is present, the failed module can be replaced without interrupting power to the load equipment.
Note: A redundant intelligence module can be replaced without interrupting power to the load, provided a function- ing MIM is installed. A battery module can be replaced without interrupting power to the load, provided the Power Array is not in the
Module Failure Alarm Indicators
In the event of a module failure, the PowerView will display one of the following module failure messages, and the red Fault LED status indicator will glow. The PowerView audible alarm, a pager notification, and/or software notification may also be initiated.
The power and battery module failure messages identify the bay where the module is installed. Bay locations (L1, L2, etc. or R2, R3, etc.) are printed on the center spine of the frame, between the module bays.
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