ES45T-R Reflector Assembly
Step 1
Step 2
Reflector should be assembled on a clear, flat area in front of the foundation pad. Clear debris from area and place plastic sheeting from packing crate as shown in Figure 22.
Arrange the six diameter setting bands (P/N 49426) and temporary supports as shown in Figure 20.
Note: Proper orientation of reflector (top, bottom) will ease reflector assembly
•Reflector should be assembled in front of foundation pad with bottom of reflector 3 ft. from pad
•Supports should be
•Tie three string levels to opposing sets of blocks across diameter of circle
•Adjust supports with shims until strings are level and lightly touch at center of circle
•Once supports are level, remove strings
•Move supports 12 in. radially away from circle, carefully maintaining orientation and height for later reuse
Figure 20
22 | Installation Procedures |