To update a WebObjects project:
1Open the project in Xcode.
2In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the property value for “JAVA_VM” to “java”.
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server you’re upgrading has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects, you can ignore it. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web technologies administration guide for more information.
If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter membership checking, upgrade group records using Workgroup Manager.
To upgrade a group record:
1Open Workgroup Manager.
2Open the directory that contains the groups of interest.
3Select one or more groups and click “Upgrade legacy group.”
4Click Save.
Directory Services
After upgrading, you may want to convert a shared NetInfo directory to LDAP. See the Open Directory administration guide for details about the advantages of using LDAP and how to use Server Admin to conduct the conversion.
You can also convert to Open Directory authentication from a different strategy. For example, if any of the users in your upgraded server are configured to be authenticated using Authentication Manager, you can change their settings to Open Directory authentication. Authentication options and instructions appear in the Open Directory administration guide.
NetBoot Images
NetBoot images created using version 10.2 can be reused following the upgrade installation.
To manage Netboot images, you use System Image Utility, which replaces Network Image Utility during the upgrade installation.