Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
If you backed up your MySQL data using mysqldump, you can restore the data using:
mysql database <
If the MySQL 4.0.18 database you’re migrating originated as a MySQL 3.23.x database and it’s still using the deprecated ISAM table format from MySQL 3.23, you must update it. ISAM is no longer supported with MySQL 4.1. Refer to the documentation on the MySQL website for migration details:
This site suggests:
ÂRunning mysql_fix_privilege_tables to enable new security privilege features.
ÂRunning either mysql_convert_table_format (if all existing tables are ISAM or MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAM on all ISAM tables (to avoid the deprecated ISAM table format).
When running MySQL and PHP on the same server, you may find that PHP cannot connect to MySQL or that authentication errors occur when using PHP. For more information and workarounds, see the following AppleCare KnowledgeBase articles:
“Mac OS X Server 10.4: PHP and MySQL authentication issues” (article 301456)
“Mac OS X Server 10.4: Issues connecting PHP to MySQL” (article 301457)
Additional instructions for MySQL database backup and restore can be found in the MySQL documentation at www.mysql.com.
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1Make sure that mail service isn’t running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it is not grayed out, click Stop Service.
2Restore the saved mail database and mail store. By default the mail database resides in /var/imap/ and the mail store in /var/spool/imap/.
3Rename the saved ctl_mboxlist file to ctl_mboxlist.old, and then move it to /usr/bin/ cyrus/bin/.
If ctl_mboxlist.old is not present, the upgradedb script will fail in step 7 below.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3