To prepare the server to store home directories:
1Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to reside.
3Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it will reside.
4In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts, then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5If you’ll restore home directories in locations that won’t exactly match the locations identified in exported user records, you can define a preset that identifies the restore location. If you identify the preset when you import users, the new location will replace the existing location in user records.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users to inherit, such as password settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Step 6: Import users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimport tool to import users and groups and other data:
ÂSee the user management guide for details about importing by using Workgroup Manager.
ÂSee the Open Directory administration guide for information about passwords of users originally created with Mac OS X Server version 10.1.5 or earlier.
ÂSee the
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1Place the export file(s) you created in Step 1 on page 50 in a location accessible from your server.
2You can modify user accounts in an export file if you want to set passwords before importing users. See the user management guide for instructions.
Alternatively, you can set up the preset you defined in step 5 of Step 5 above so user passwords are validated using Open Directory authentication and set up the password validation options so that users are forced to change their passwords the next time they log in.
3In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2