Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server you’re migrating from has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects, you don’t need to copy it to the new server. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web technologies administration guide for more information.
Tomcat Data
Restore Tomcat servlets to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
Place any SOAP services you want to migrate in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/axis/.
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 includes a version of Axis that may be newer or older than the version you’ve been using.
IP Firewall Configuration
To migrate the IP firewall configuration:
1Restore the firewallconfig file.
2Open Server Admin and make sure that firewall service isn’t running.
3Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4Authenticate and go to /config.
5Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6Change the name of the new record from “newdirectory” to “IPFilters” by selecting the name property’s value and editing it.
7In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which the firewallconfig file resides:
sudo niload
8Type the 50_ipfwconfigmigrator command:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/50_ipfwconfigmigrator
9In Server Admin, start firewall service.
DNS Configuration
Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1Restore the DHCPconfig and Machinesconfig files.
2In the Terminal application, type:
sudo niload
sudo niload
3Open Server Admin and click DHCP to inspect the DHCP Subnets and Static Bindings to make sure they are correct.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1