setting up home directory infrastructure 39
testing the new server 46 tools you can use 33 what you can migrate 32
migrating from Windows NT 11 migrating versus upgrading 5
predefined accounts definition of 11 group accounts 13 user accounts 12
PrintService.admin.log upgrading version 10.2.8 29 upgrading version 10.3 22
reasons for migrating 10 requirements
for migrating to version 10.4 10 for upgrading to version 10.4 9
server administration guides 7 servers you can upgrade or migrate 9 slapconfig.log 22
system accounts 11
system requirements for version 10.4 9
upgrading version 10.2
changing /etc/httpd/workers.properties 29 using Macintosh Manager 29
upgrading version 10.2.8
adjustments after initial server setup 27 local server setup 24
making Open Directory changes 28 NetBoot images you can reuse 28 performing an upgrade installation 24 print service upgrade log 29 remote server setup 25 requirements 23
what you can reuse 23 upgrading version 10.3
adjustments after initial server setup 20 changing /etc/httpd/workers.properties 22 importing SSL certificates 20
local server setup 17
making Open Directory changes 21 NetBoot images you can reuse 21 Open Directory master and replicas 16 Open Directory upgrade log 22 performing an upgrade installation 17 print service upgrade log 22 remote server setup 18 requirements 15
what you can reuse 15 upgrading versus migrating 5 users and groups
predefined (system) accounts 11 saving and reusing 11
Windows NT 11