Chapter 2: Capture
Auto Scan: Click to have the program scan for available channels.
Audio Device: Check the box if you would like to record audio as well. If you check the box, choose your device from the
The following buttons may also be available. (Specific options are dependent on your device. Contact the device manager if you have any questions regarding what these options do.)
Video Settings: Generally contains options for selecting your video standard (NTSC or PAL) as well as basic video enhancement settings.
Video Format: Options here typically include frame rate, compression, and output size (resolution).
Video Input: If your capture card has various input options, select the one you want to use here.
Audio Settings: Choose the bit rate and frequency of your captured audio.
Audio Input: Contains options specific to your sound capture device.
TV Settings: Properties and settings for your TV tuner.
To start recording, click the red Record button within the Player.