engaging with film perforation, checking ........ | 25 |
Filming from a video monitor ............................. | 68 |
Filters ............................................................ | 45 |
polaroid .................................................... | 66 |
Finder ............................................................ | 38 |
extension | 46 |
Finder side ..................................................... | 38 |
setting friction ............................................. | 92 |
| |
on the camera ............................................ | 57 |
on the camera control unit ............................ | 72 |
Flange focal distance ....................................... | 98 |
adjusting ................................................... | 90 |
checking .................................................... | 90 |
Fluff check ................................................. | 26,96 |
Focus adjustment, video optic ............................ | 78 |
Focus adjustment ring, video optic ...................... | 78 |
Focus range, setting on the video optic ................ | 79 |
Focussing knob ............................................... | 43 |
Folding eyecup ............................................... | 48 |
Follow focus device |
44 | |
Universal ................................................... | 43 |
Frame finder, illuminated .................................. | 67 |
Frame rate ..................................................... | 80 |
Frame speed, | 68 |
French flags .................................................... | 45 |
Friction on the viewfinder, setting |
maintenance .............................................. | 92 |
variable .................................................... | 38 |
Fuses, changing .............................................. | 13 |
G |
Gears, replacing ............................................. | 87 |
Glass window in the magazine, replacing ........... | 89 |
Graduated filter .............................................. | 45 |
H |
Handgrip ....................................................... | 11 |
Heated eyecup | 48 |
HS camera |
flange focal distance ................................... | 98 |
magazines ...................................... | 16, 30, 98 |
setting speed .............................................. | 57 |
speed range ............................................... | 56 |
Hydro heads, recommended ............................... | 7 |
I |
Illuminated frame viewfinder ............................. | 67 |
Illumination |
camera control unit ..................................... | 69 |