camera display ........................................... | 55 |
Image adjustment on video monitor .................... | 78 |
Image format .................................................. | 98 |
Image steadiness compensation ......................... | 38 |
Image storing, | 75 |
Inching knob ................................................... | 26 |
Installation ........................................................ | 7 |
Intensity of time code recording ......................... | 84 |
J |
Jointed | 25 |
K |
Key functions on the camera control unit ............. | 70 |
Keys RUN, SEL, SET ......................................... | 56 |
L |
LED, camera run .............................................. | 56 |
on the remote ON/OFF switch | 74 |
38 | |
Lens alignment, adjusting .................................. | 49 |
44 | |
Lens possibilities .............................................. | 32 |
with automatic diaphragm ............................ | 33 |
Lens support | 36 |
Lenses ,attaching |
41 mm bayonet mount ................................. | 35 |
54mm | 34 |
Lenses, removing |
41 mm bayonet mount ................................. | 36 |
54mm | 34 |
Levelling rod for viewfinder | 47 |
44 | |
45 | |
41 | |
conversion Normal 16/Super 16 .................. | 54 |
Loading the magazine ...................................... | 19 |
Lock for eyecup ............................................... | 39 |
Locking |
magazine to camera ................................... | 30 |
SEL key ..................................................... | 56 |
SET key ..................................................... | 56 |
Locking handle on magazine cover .................... | 17 |
Loop protector ................................................. | 16 |
LTC signal ...................................................... | 82 |