GigaX Series L3 Managed Switch User Guide
Port Selection Criterion: the algorithm to distribute packets among the ports of the link aggregation group according to source MAC address, destination MAC address, source and destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address, or source and destination IP address.
Name: the group name.
Trunk ID: a number to identify the trunk group besides the group name.
LACP: Enable/Disable LCAP on selected trunk. LACP mode is fixed to be Active.
Remove Trunk: Remove the selected trunk.
Port Icons: these port icons are listed in a way like the front panel. You have to click on the icon the select the group members. The port can be removed from the group by clicking the selected port again.
Click to make the setting send to the switch (HTTP server). Click
to refresh the settings to current value. To make the configuration
effective, go to “Save Configuration” page, then click .
You have to check the runtime link speed and duplex mode to make sure the trunk is physically active. Go to Physical Interface and check the link mode in the runtime status window for the trunk ports. If all the trunk members are in the same speed and full duplex mode, then the trunk group is set up successfully. If one of the members is not in the same speed or full duplex mode, the trunk is not set correctly. Check the link partner and change the settings to have the same speed and full duplex mode for all the members of your trunk group.
•All the ports in the link aggregation group MUST operate in
•All the ports in the link aggregation group MUST be configured in
•This configuration will make the full duplex link possible. If you set the ports in full duplex force mode, then the link partner MUST have the same setting. Otherwise the link