Section 1
General Information
4-2 Programming & Operation MN715
Display Mode The control is in the display mode at all times except when in the programming mode.
The keypad displays the status of the control as in the following example:
Motor Status
Control Operation Output Condition
Value and Units
Adjusting Display Contrast
When AC power is applied to the control the keypad should display the status of the
control. If there is no display visible, use the following procedure to adjust the display.
(Contrast may be adjusted in the display mode when motor is stopped or running).
Action Description Display Comments
Apply Power No visible display
Press DISP Key Places control in display mode Display mode.
Press SHIFT key 2 times Allows display contrast
Press or Key Adjusts display intensity
Press ENTER Saves level of contrast and exits
to display mode
Display Screens
Note: The order of display is as shown (scroll through order). However, the first
display after Baldor Motors & Drives will be the last display you viewed
before power down.
Action Description Display Comments
Apply Power Display mode showing mode,
voltage, current & frequency
No faults present. Local keypad
mode. If in remote mode, press
local for this display.
Press DISP key Scroll to fault log block. Press ENTER to view the fault log
if desired.
Press DISP key Scroll to diagnostic info block. Press ENTER to view diagnostic
information if desired.
Press DISP key Scroll to local speed ref. block. Press ENTER to change motor
Press DISP key Display mode showing output
Press DISP key Display mode showing motor
speed (based on output
Press DISP key Display mode showing output
Press DISP key Display mode showing output