Section 1
General Information
4-22 Programming & Operation MN715
Table 4-2 Parameter Block Definitions Level 2 Continued
Block Title Parameter Description
Follow I:O Out Only used for serial communications. In master/follower configurations this parameter
represents the follower portion of the ratio. The master portion of the ratio is set in the
Follow I:O Ratio parameter.
Note: When using Serial Commands, the Follow I:O Ratio parameter value must
be set using two separate parameters: Follow I:O Ratio and Follow I:O Out.
The follow I:O Ratio sets the Input (Master) part of the ratio and Follow I:O
Out sets the output (Follower) part of the ratio. For example, a 2:1
(input:output) ratio is set by a Follow I:O Ratio value of 2 and a Follow I:O
Out value of 1.
Note: The encoder lines parameter must be defined if a value is entered in the
Follow I:O Ratio parameter.
Encoder Lines Only used if an optional master pulse reference/isolated pulse follower expansion board
is installed. Defines the number of pulses per revolution of the master encoder. This
parameter defines the output master pulse rate for a downstream follower drive.
Integrator Clamp Allows limiting (clamping) of the PID integrator. The clamp is set as a percentage of
maximum motor speed. For example, a setting of 10% (assuming an 1800 RPM motor)
means the integrator will not contribute more than 180 RPM to the total output demand
of the PID loop.
Minimum Speed Set the minimum demand for the PID output. For example, a setting of 10Hz means the
output demand from the PID will never decrease below this setting (even if the process
error is zero). Minimum speed is active for unipolar as well as bipolar applications.
FREQUENCY Skip Frequency (#1,
#2 and #3) The center frequency of the frequency band to skip or treat as a dead-band. Three
bands can be defined independently or the three values can be selected to skip one
wide frequency band.
Skip Band
(#1, #2 and #3) The width of the band centered about the Skip Frequency. For example, if Skip
Frequency #1 is set to 20Hz and Skip Band #1 is set to 5Hz, continuous operation is
not allowed in the dead-band of 15Hz to 25Hz.
STARTS Synchro Starts
Sync Start Frequency
Sync Scan V/F
Sync Setup Time
Sync Scan Time
Sync V/F Recover
Sync Direction
Synchronizes motor and load speed when the motor shaft is rotating at the time the
inverter applies power to the motor. If set to Restarts Only, allows Synchro Starts
after a fault condition is reset. If set to All Starts, allows Synchro Starts at all fault
resets as well as restarts after power failure or after a run command.
Allows the Synchro Start feature to begin scanning motor rotational frequency at the
MAX Frequency or a SET Frequency.
Sets the Volts/Hertz ratio for the Synchro Start feature as a percentage of the V/Hz ratio
defined by the Max Output Volts/Base Frequency. This Sync Scan V/F percentage
value is multiplied by the Max Output Volts/Base Frequency value. If this value is too
high, the inverter may fault on Over-current.
The time for the inverter to ramp the output voltage from zero to the voltage that
corresponds to the Sync Start Frequency. A 0.5 second delay before the ramp
begins is not included in this time. If the Synchro Start feature is not operating quickly
enough, decrease the Sync Setup Time value.
The time allowed for Synchro Start to scan and detect rotor frequency. Scanning begins
at the Sync Start Frequency to 0Hz. Generally, the shorter the Sync Scan Time the
more likely a false Synchro Start will be detected. This value should be set high
enough to eliminate false Synchro Starts.
The time allowed to ramp up the output voltage from the Synchro Start scan voltage to
the normal output voltage. This occurs after the synchronization frequency is
detected. This parameter value should be low enough to minimize Synchro Start time
without causing the inverter to fault on Over-current.
Allows Synchro Starts in either or both motor rotational directions. If the application
requires motor shaft rotation in one direction only, scanning in that direction only will
minimize Sync Scan Time.
NS Protocol Sets the type of communication the control is to use, RS-232 ASCII (text), RS-485 ASCII
(text), RS-232 BBP, or RS-485 BBP protocols.
Baud Rate Sets the speed at which communication is to occur.
Drive Address Sets the address of the control for communication.