Section 1
General Information
Programming & Operation 4-15MN715
Table 4-1 Parameter Block Definitions Level 1 - Continued
Block Title Parameter Description
OUTPUT Digital Out #1 #4
(Opto Out #1 & 2
Relay Out #1 & #2)
Four digital outputs that have two operating states, ON or OFF. The Opto outputs and
the relay outputs may be configured to any of the following conditions:
Note: Opto Outputs #1 and #2 are programmed in the Level 1, Output block, parameters
Digital Out #1 and #2.
Relay Outputs #1 and #2 are programmed in the Level 1, Output block, parameters
Digital Out #3 and #4.
Condition Description
Ready - Active when power is applied and no faults are present.
Zero Speed - Active when output frequency to motor is less than the value of the
Zero SPD Set Pt Level 1 Output parameter.
At Speed - Active when output frequency is within the commanded range defined
by the At Speed Band Level 1 Output parameter.
At Set Speed - Active when output frequency is at or greater than the Set Speed
Point” Level 1 Output parameter.
Overload - Output is active if there is an overload fault caused by a time-out when
the output current is greater than rated current.
Keypad Control - Active when control is in local keypad control.
Fault - Active when a fault condition is present.
Drive On - Active when control is “Ready” and is being commanded to operate
the motor.
Reverse - Active when control is running in the reverse direction.
Process Error - Active when the PID control loop process is outside the range
specified by the Level 2 Process Control block, AT Setpoint Band
Serial - Allows Digial Outputs 14 to be reset using the Serial command DOx.
Over Temp Warning - Active when control heatsink over temperature is detected.
Forward - Active when forward direction is active.
Overload – Active when Peak RMS motor current exceeds Overload SP value.
Underload – Active when Peak RMS motor current is less than Underload SP
Zero SPD Set PT
At Speed Band
Set Speed Point
The output frequency at which the zero speed opto output becomes active (turns on).
When the output frequency is less than the Zero SPD Set PT, the opto output
becomes active. This is useful in applications where a motor brake will be interlocked
into the operation of the motor control.
A frequency band within which the at speed opto output becomes active (turns on). For
example, if the at speed band is set to ±5Hz the opto output becomes active when the
output frequency to the motor is within 5Hz of the commanded motor frequency. This
is useful when another machine must not start (or stop) until the motor reaches
operating speed.
The frequency at which the at set speed opto output becomes active (turns on). When
the frequency is greater than the set speed point parameter, the opto output becomes
active. This is useful when another machine must not start (or stop) until the motor
exceeds a predetermined speed.