Lat Pulldown
(Latissimus Dorsi)
1 . Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2.Attach Lat Bar to high pulley cable.
3.Adjust seat pad so your knees fit comfortably under leg
4.Grasp Lat Bar 3 to 6 inches wider than your shoulders, on each side.
5.Keeping your elbows back during movement, slowly pull the Bar down until it lightly touches the upper part of your chest.
6.Pause for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat movement.
7.Exhale on exertion,inhale on return motion.
Seated Row
(Latissimus Dorsi)
1.Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2.Attach Low Row Bar to low pulley cable.
3.Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and your feet placed firmly against the foot brace.
4.Grasp the Bar in both hands. Straighten your arms and lean towards the pulley to completely stretch your Lats.
5.Simultaneously pull the Bar toward you and sit erect, being sure to keep your elbows close to your sides. Continue to pull the Bar until it touches your midsection.
6.Pause for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat movement.
7.Exhale on exertion, inhale on return motion.
1 . Insert pin into weight stack at desired resistance level.
2.Attach Low Row Bar to low pulley cable.
3.Stand, facing the machine with your feet set shoulder width apart.
4.Grasp the Bar and stand erect with your arms extended straight down and the Bar resting across your thighs. Allow the weight to pull your shoulders forward and Downward.
5.Use Trapezius strength to “shrug” your shoulders upward and back as far as possible.
6.Pause for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat movement.
7.Exhale on exertion, inhale on return motion.