2. Route wires through largehole in mounting base. Level mounting base
againstwall (for aestheticvalue only—Display Module need not be lev-
eledfor proper operation) and markwall through 2 mounting holes.See
Fig.6 --Backplate Mounting
3. Drill two 3/1 6--in.mountin g holes in wall where marked. Th ermostat may
be mountedto a standard junction box, if desired.Hole pattern onther-
mostatmounting base matchesjunction box mounting holes.
4. Secure rear plastic moun ting base to wall with 2 screws and anchors pro-
vided.Additional mounting holes areavailable for more securemounting
ifneeded. Make sureall wires extend throughhole in mounting base.
5. Adjust length and routing of each wire to reach prop er connectorblock
and terminal on mounting base with 1/4--in. extra wire.