Three--MinuteMinimum on Time
Innormal operation, when a stageturns on, it will not turn off fora minimum of
3 minutes. If the setpoint is ch anged, this timer is canceled, allowing the
equipmentto turn off immediatelywhen the demandis removed.
Heat/CoolSetpoints(Desired Temperature)
Amin imum difference of 1_F and maximum of 6_F is enforced between heating
and coolingdesired temperatures.This is done by allowing 1 setting to “push”
the other, to maintain this difference. This difference is adjustable via
ConfigurationOption 11.
Equipment On IndicatorsWhen coolingequipment is on, a COOL ON icon is displayed. While cooling
equipment operation is delayed by the timeg uard or cycle timer, COOL ON will
During second stagecompressor operation a “2” will bedisplayed with the
HEAT ON or COOL ON icon. This is displayed when the thermostat is
configuredas H2, A2, or h2.
When the W is energized in a heat pump or Hybrid Heat system, the auxiliary
heaton icon will be displayed.
When auto changeover mod e is selected, a change from heat to cool (or vice
versa)will not occur untilan oppositemode demand has existedfor 20 minutes.
Ifsetpoint is changed, 20--minuterequirementis deleted.
Emergency Heat Mode
When AC/HP Control isconfigured as a heat pump and emergency heat is
selected,all Y signals arelocked out, and W becomes energizedupon a call for