selectOF F.Som e auxiliary heaters require separate G signal to turn on blower. In
this case, select On.
Default is OF (off).
Option05 — Room Air TemperatureSensing (programmablemodels only)
Thisselection determineswhich sensor the control will use for measuringroom
air temperature.Room air temperaturecan be sensed in one of three ways; the
localsensor (L) located on the DisplayModule, the remote room air sensor (r),
orthe average of local and remotesensors (Lr). Settingsare L, r, Lr.
Defaultis L.
Option06 — Cooling Lockout Below55 _F
This selection disablescooling when outdoor temperature is below 55_F. It
requiresan outdoor temperature sensor.Setting is not available if valid outdoor
sensoris not connected. Setto OF (off) to allow coolingbelow 55_F. Se t to On
toprevent cooling below 55_F.
Factory default is OF (off).
Option07 — Zoning
Thisselection should be setto On when the thermostat isto be used as partof a
zoning system.It is assumed that the zoning equipment willtake care of time
guard and cycle timers. The minimum o n time is still controlled by the
Default is OF (off).
Option 08 — Auxiliary Heat L ockout Temperature
This selection is available on heat pump systems with a valid outdoor
temperaturesensor connected.Available settingsare: Off, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
35,40, 45, 50, 55.