Option 99 — Reset to Factory Defaults
Use this capability to reset the stat to “out of the box” conditions. BEWARE!All
configurationsettings, program settings,clock, and calendar which havebeen
manually entered will be lost!
When thisoption is selected,the configuration number (99),will appear on the
leftand 10 will appearon the right. Toperform the reset,first use the MODE key
tomove the box from the 99 to the 10 (programmable model)or to flash the 10
(non--programmablemodel). Then press and hold theDOWN key. The 10 will
start countingdown toward zero. If the DOWN key is keptpressed until the
countreaches zero, the reset will be performed. When the value reaches zero ,th e
heatsetpoint shall display ----.The cool setpoint shalldisplay --and the room air
temperatureshall display Fd. When thefactory defaults have been restored,the
thermostat will act as if power was cycled and return to normal operation. If the
DOWN key is released early, the number will return to 10 and the reset will not