CycleTim er
Basedon the selectionof 2, 4, or 6 cycles per hour, thistimer is set to 30, 15, or
10 minutes. This much time mustelapse from the start of one cycle before
anothercycle can start. It servesto impose the cycles per hour limits.It can be
defeatedfor one cycleby simultaneously pressingthe FAN and UP buttons.
Ten--MinuteStaging Timer
In multistage heating or cooling, this timer prev ents any higher stage from
turning on until preceding stage has been on for 10 min utes. When staging
between compressor and electric heat or between compressor and furnace heat,
the time is configurable. The timer is co nfigurable via Option 17. T his timer is
overridden if temperature error is greater than 5 _F(usually due to a large change
indesired temperature)and equipment stagesup in 60 second intervals.
Detectionof defrost will not work properly if the installerhas configured the
O/W2/Boutput to function as a B output. During heatpump heating, a defrost
signal shallbe considered valid if the compressoroutput is energized and the
defrostsignal has been activefor less than 15 consecutiveminutes. Any defrost
signalpresent for longerthan 15 minutes shall be consideredinvalid.
Heatpump/fan coil systemsshall use this input to:
SDetectth at defrost is in progress and energize the aux iliary heat to
providehomeowner comfortduring the defrost cycle
SAllow ad efrost cycle to run to completion regardless of the system