SYSTEM START--UPAND CHECKOUTThe AC/HP Control is d esigned with a built--in installer test capability. It allows
easy operation of equipmentwithout delays or setpoint adjustments to force
heatingor cooling. To enable installertest mode, pressand hold the fan button
for15 seconds. After 10 seconds,the thermostat will enterConfiguration Mode.
Continuingto hold the Fan button through 15 secondswill cause thethermostat
to enter Installer Test Mode. Pressing the Mo de button will change the system
operating mode to test the heating and cooling equipm ent. Auto Mode isn ot
availableduringInstaller TestMode. If no buttonsare pressed for15 minutes, the
installer testmo de willbe terminated. Pressing DONE at any time will exit
installer test mode.
Heat --The first stage of heating willb e energized for three minutes, th en the first
and secondstages (if a second stageexists) will turnon for an additional three
minutes.During the first stageof heating, the HEATON iconwill be displayed.
The “auxiliary heat on” icon will be displayed if the secon d stage is electric heat
(HP unit type). For heat pump installation, only 1 stage of auxiliary heat is
available. Any staging of auxiliary heat must be managed by the furnace or fan
coil. At the end of the equipment cycle the MOD E will return to OFF. The
display will count down from180 seconds to 0 for each stage when the
equipmentis energized.The test of a heating orcooling cycle can be terminated
beforethe timer expires by pressingthe MODE button and changing thesystem
modeto OFF.
Installertest for cooling is thesame as described for heatingabove. COOL ON
will be displayed during cooling in Installer TestMode. In a heat pump
application, when the mode is set to “em heat” the auxiliary heat will turn on for
3minutes. The clock displaywill count down from 180 to 0 duringthis test.