OF (off) --fu nction is disabled. Auxiliary heat is allowed to operate whenever
sufficient demand for heat is available.
5--55_F --Outdoor temperatureabove which the auxiliary heat is not allowed to
operate (unless MODE is set to Emergency H eat).
Default is OF (off).
Option10 — Reversing Valve
This selection is only available on heat pump systems. “O” terminal can be
configuredto be energizedin eitherheating mode or in cooling mode,depending
on heat pump operation. “O”is used to describe a heat pump systemthat
energizes its reversing valve in cooling. “B” is used to describe a heat pu mp
system that energized its reversing valve in heating.
H — Reversing valve output(O/W2/B) is energized when HEAT mode is
C — Reversing valve output(O/W2/B) is energized when COOL mode is
Defaultis C.
Option11 — Deadband SettingBetween Heat & Cool
This option is not available on Heat Only and Cool Only sy stems. This selection
is to allow the installerto choose how much differential existsbetween the
heatingand cooling setpoints.Allowable selectionsare 1--6.
Defaultis 2.
Option 12 — Smart Recovery
Smart Recovery OF (off) means setpoin ts change precisely at setback recovery
time. Thirty,60, or 90 selects the number of minutesrecovery starts before
programmedrecovery time. Recovery takesplace smoothly duringthe selected
recovery time, ending at the recovery time and temperature which is