Fig.1 --PCB Breakout Jumper
ModelsThere are programmableand non--programmable models forall applications.
They can be configuredfor AC or HP installations, allowing it tobe used in
placeof all Bryant thermostats.Programmablethermostats may be configuredas
non--programmableif user desires.
Outdoor TemperatureSensorTheoutdoor air temperaturesensor is not included with the AC/HP Control.It is
available as an accessory, part number TSTATBBSEN01--B. Optimum
performanceis obtained when an outdoor temperaturesensor is used with the
AC/HP Control. Plan installation so that 2 wires can be run from Equip ment
ControlModule to an outdoor location,preferablyon the north side of thehouse
orrefer to InstallationInstructions includedwith the outdoor temperaturesensor
for simplifiedconnection. Sensor canbe mounted to outdoor unit and existing