A.3 Restoring AirStation Pro factory settings
You might need to restore the factory settings if you are having connection problems. To do this:
1Turn the power on.
2Find the reset switch, which is located on the back panel of the AirStation Pro.
3Press the reset switch for three seconds.
All AirStation Pro settings are now restored to the original factory settings.
A.4 Configuring protocols
Before you begin configuring your protocols, you must first ensure that the required protocols have been added to your computer.
A.4.1 Checking that the protocols are added
To check whether the protocols have been added, follow the steps appropriate to the version of Windows that you are using:
Windows 95/98/ME
1On the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel.
The Network dialog box is displayed.
3Select the Configuration tab.
Appendix 72