4.1 About this chapter
This chapter describes all the necessary procedures that you must perform to connect your PC or laptop to the AirStation Pro. There are five steps that you must follow before you can successfully communicate through the AirStation Pro.
Install a network adapter
Add TCP/IP protocols
Install AirStation Manager
Connect to the AirStation Pro
Check the reception of the external antenna (if you are installing one)
The chapter describes each of these steps in detail. The AirStation Manager enables you to create a communications connection between your PC/laptop and the AirStation Pro.
4.2 Installing the AirStation Pro
Before you begin the installation process it is very important that you know the version of Windows that is installed on your PC. Each version of Windows differs in functionality and so different sequences of screens will be displayed to the user. For instructions on how to check the version of Windows that you are using, see the Appendix chapter, “Checking the version of Windows” on page 71.
4.2.1 Network adapter installation
You must now check that you have a network adapter and all necessary drivers installed. To check whether or not you have a network adapter installed, follow these steps appropriate to your Windows version.
Windows 95/98/ME
1Minimise or close all windows. The desktop of your computer is displayed.
3Select the Properties option from the
4Select the Device Manager tab.
29AirStation Pro Installation