STHI Overview
1.2.4Hub-By-Hub Bypass Control
Unless otherwise configured by a user, all hubs in an STH/STHI stack are interconnected to form a continuous Token Ring. Through Local Management, however, each hub may be individually bypassed from the continuous ring to form its own isolated ring which does not exchange data with the other hubs.
If an STH is bypassed from the main ring, the STH module will not receive
Refer to Section 5.6.2, Multiplexer Configuration Fields, for instructions regarding bypass control.
1.2.5Automatic Beacon Recovery Process
To guard the network against operational interruptions due to beaconing conditions, the STHI protects itself and its attached STH hubs with Cabletron Systems’ advanced Automatic Beacon Recovery Process. ABRP engages more quickly and is able to treat conditions beyond the scope of the IEEE standard beacon recovery process. The STHI automatically partitions problematic lobes from the ring, allowing the rest of the ring to continue operating. The hub checks partitioned Ring In/Out ports periodically and
1.2.6Support for Passive MAU Workgroups
By default, each TCU port is configured to its STN (station) setting to support lobe connections to stations. Whereas a station signals a TCU to open its interface by providing phantom current down its lobe cable, a passive