The SNMP Tool Screen
WALK functions like an automatically repeating STEP, rapidly scrolling through a MIB leaf by leaf from a
1.Invoke WALK by the
2.After “<INITIAL> OID (=F9)” appears, specify an OID from which to begin walking, and press the Return key.
The screen will begin walking through the MIB’s sublayers.
3.Press the Space Bar to stop the walk (or to resume if stopped), or wait for “***MIB WALK COMPLETED***” to appear on the screen.
CYCLES functions like WALK except that the user specifies the number of steps to be taken and the time to elapse between each step, allowing the user to limit the speed and duration (content) of the display.
1.Invoke CYCLES by the
2.After “ENTER CYCLE COUNT:” appears, set the number of steps to be taken, then press the Return key.
3.After “ENTER CYCLE DELAY (secs):” appears, set the delay (in seconds) to occur between steps, then press the Return key.
4.After “<INITIAL> OID (=F9)” appears, specify an OID from which to begin walking, and press the Return key.
SET enables users with
1.Invoke SET on screen, or press the F7 function key.