The SNMP Tool Screen
•ctDLCommitRAMtoFlash -
Cabletron’s Download Commit RAM to Flash OID determines whether the downloaded image will be committed to Flash memory after a successful download. Set this integer value to 1 to commit the downloaded image to Flash (or 0 to disable). If not committed to Flash, the downloaded file will be lost at
•ctDLTFTPRequest -
Cabletron’s Download TFTP Request OID holds the full pathname of the file to be downloaded. Set it to the fully qualified path name of the image file to be downloaded.
•ctDLInitiateColdBoot -
Cabletron’s Download Initiate Cold Boot OID is an integer value. When set to 1, it forces the STHI to reset and reboot. This OID must be set last, because the STHI will reset immediately after processing this request.