STo store a parametric function


To store the following expressions in memory areas Xt3 and Yt3:


x = 3 sinT


y = 3 cosT


(TYPE)(Parm) (Specifies parametric expression.)


BQTU(Inputs and stores x expression.)


BATU(Inputs and stores y expression.)

STo create a composite function


To use relations in Y1 and Y2 to create composite functions for Y3


and Y4



Y1 = (X + 1), Y2 = X2 + 3


Assign Y1°Y2 to Y3, and Y2°Y1 to Y4.


(Y1°Y2 =2 + 3) +1) = (x2 + 4) Y2°Y1 = ( (X + 1))2 + 3 = X + 4 (X −1))

Input relations into Y3 and Y4.





• A composite function can consist of up to five functions.

STo assign values to the coefficients and variables of a graph function


To assign the values −1, 0, and 1 to variable A in Y = AX2−1, and draw a


graph for each value

(TYPE)(Y=) ?T(A)TV @U )(GRPH)(Y)@?T(A)

(=) @U )(GRPH)(Y)@?T(A)

(=)?U )(GRPH)(Y)@?T(A)



