Example To solve the quadratic equation x2 + 3x + 5 = 0 in the EQUA mode


AAAA(Complex Mode) (a+bi)) (POLY)(2)@UBUDUU

5. Option (OPTN) Menu

The option menu gives you access to scientific functions and features that are not marked on the calculator’s keyboard. The contents of the option menu differ according to the mode you are in when you press the * key.

The option menu does not appear if you press * while binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal is set as the default number system.

For details about the commands included on the option (OPTN) menu, see the “* key” item in the “PRGM Mode Command List” (page 8-37).

The meanings of the option menu items are described in the sections that cover each mode.

The following list shows the option menu that is displayed when the RUN • MAT (or RUN) or PRGM mode is selected.

Item names below that are marked with an asterisk (*) are not included on the fx-7400Gɉ.

{LIST} ... {list function menu}

{MAT}* ... {matrix operation menu}

{CPLX} ... {complex number calculation menu}

{CALC} ... {functional analysis menu}

{STAT} ... {paired-variable statistical estimated value menu} (fx-7400Gɉ)

{menu for paired-variable statistical estimated value, distribution, standard deviation, variance, and test functions} (all models except fx-7400Gɉ)

{CONV} ... {metric conversion menu}

{HYP} ... {hyperbolic calculation menu}

{PROB} ... {probability/distribution calculation menu}

{NUM} ... {numeric calculation menu}

{ANGL} ... {menu for angle/coordinate conversion, sexagesimal input/conversion}

{ESYM} ... {engineering symbol menu}

{PICT} ... {graph save/recall menu}

{FMEM} ... {function memory menu}

{LOGIC} ... {logic operator menu}

{CAPT} ... {screen capture menu}

{TVM}* ... {financial calculation menu}

The PICT, FMEM and CAPT items are not displayed when “Math” is selected for the “Input/ Output” mode setting on the Setup screen.
