Chapter 10 eActivity

You can use the eActivity mode to input data into an eActivity file. You can input text and numeric expressions, and also paste data (like graphs, tables, etc.) from the calculator’s builtin applications as “strips”.

eActivity files can be used by a teacher, for example, to create math problems or exercises that provide hints to solutions, for distribution to students. Students can use eActivity files to keep classroom notes, memos of problems and their solutions, etc.


• The fx-7400GIIand fx-9750GIIare not equipped with the e ACT mode.

1.eActivity Overview

The first thing that appears when you select the e ACT mode on the Main Menu is the file menu.


No e ACT mode files in memory

At least one e ACT mode file in

Opening a file in the eActivity mode will display a workspace screen that you can use for inputting and editing text, calculation expressions, and other data.

Calculator’s display area

Text lines


Math lines

Stop line
