SMatrix Calculations Using the Matrix Editor

Selecting {MAT} on the function menu displays the Matrix Editor.

Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations in the eActivity mode are the fundamentally identical to those in the RUN MAT mode. For details about the Matrix Editor and matrix calculation operations, see “Matrix Calculations” (page 2-36). Note, however, that eActivity mode Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations differ from those in the RUN MAT mode as described below.

eActivity mode matrix variable values are saved separately for each file. Matrix variable values will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode.

SList Calculations Using the List Editor

Selecting {LIST} on the function menu displays the List Editor.

List Editor operations in the eActivity mode are identical to those in the STAT mode (“Inputting and Editing a List”, page 3-1). This processing and calculations are fundamentally the identical to those in the RUN MAT mode (“Manipulating List Data” on page 3-5, “Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists” on page 3-10). Note, however, that eActivity mode List Editor operations and list calculations differ from those in other modes as described below.

The eActivity mode List Editor function menu provides only screen two of the STAT mode List Editor function menu.

To return to the workspace screen from the List Editor in the eActivity mode, press ).

In the eActivity mode, values for list variables are saved separately for each file. List variable values will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode.

IInserting a Calculation Stop Line

Pressing Uafter you edit a calculation line on a workspace screen that contains multiple calculation lines will cause all of the calculations following the edited line to be re-calculated. Re-calculation can take quite a bit of time if there are a large number of calculation lines or if some of the calculations are complex. Inserting a calculation stop line will stop the recalculation process at the point where the line is located.

STo insert a stop line

On the function menu, select {INS} and then {STOP} to insert a stop line above the currently selected line or strip.

IUsing Strips

Strips are tools that let you embed built-in application data into an eActivity file. Only one built-in application screen can be associated with each strip, and the strip can store the data (graphs, etc.) produced by the screen.

The table below shows the built-in application screens that can be inserted into strips. The “Strip Name” column shows the names included on the dialog box that appears when you press (STRP).
