F Cumulative Distribution


F Cumulative Distribution calculates the cumulative


probability of an F distribution between a lower bound and


an upper bound.


Calculation Result Output Examples

When a list is specified

Graph when variable (x) is specified

Graphing is supported only when a variable is specified and a single x-value is entered as data.

• Inverse F Cumulative Distribution


Inverse F Cumulative Distribution calculates the lower


bound value of an F cumulative distribution probability for


specified n:df and d:df (degrees of freedom of numerator


and denominator) values.


Calculation Result Output Examples


When a list is specified

When variable (x) is specified

• There is no graphing for Inverse F Cumulative Distribution.

IBinomial Distribution

• Binomial Probability


Binomial Probability calculates a probability at a specific single x-value or each list element for the discrete binomial distribution with the specified number of trials and probability of success on each trial. When a list is specified, calculation results for each list element are displayed in list form.
