IPower Regression Graph

Power regression expresses y as a proportion of the power of x. The standard power regression formula is y = a × xb, so if we take the logarithm of both sides we get In

y = In a + b × In x. Next, if we say X = In x, Y = In y, and A = In a, the formula corresponds to linear regression formula Y = A + bX.



The following is the power regression model formula.

y = a·xb


regression coefficient


regression power

ISinusoidal Regression Graph

Sinusoidal regression is best applied for cyclical data.

The following is the sinusoidal regression model formula.

y = a·sin(bx + c) + d



Drawing a sine regression graph causes the angle unit setting of the calculator to automatically change to Rad (radians). The angle unit does not change when you perform a sine regression calculation without drawing a graph.

• Certain types of data may take a long time to calculate. This does not indicate malfunction.

ILogistic Regression Graph

Logistic regression is best applied for time-based phenomena in which there is a continual increase until a saturation point is reached.

The following is the logistic regression model formula.

y =


1 + aebx



• Certain types of data may take a long time to calculate. This does not indicate malfunction.

IResidual Calculation

Actual plot points (y-coordinates) and regression model distance can be calculated during regression calculations.
