
Using the Setup Wizard

2 Using the Setup Wizard

This section explains how to use the Setup Wizard to configure the EA-200 setup quickly and easily simply by replying to questions as they appear.

If you need more control over specific sampling parameters, you should consider using the Advanced Setup procedure on page 3-1.

kSetup Wizard Parameters

Setup Wizard lets you make changes to the following three EA-200 basic sampling parameters using an interactive wizard format.

Sensor (Select Sensor):

Specify a CASIO or VERNIER* sensor from a menu of choices. *Vernier Software & Technology

Total Sampling Time:

Specify a value within the range of 0.01 second to 30 days.

Sampling Time Unit (Select Unit):

Specify seconds (sec), minutes (min), hours (hour), or days (day) as the time unit of the value you input for the total sampling time (Total Sampling Time).


For some sensors (EA-200 built-in microphone, Vernier PhotoGate, etc.), sampling parameters are different from those shown above. The differences between sampling parameters and setup procedures for each sensor are described in this section.

Setup Wizard Rules

Note the following rules whenever you use the Setup Wizard.

The EA-200 sampling channel is CH1 or SONIC.

The trigger for a Setup Wizard setup is always the w key.