{INPT}* ... {statistical calculation input values}

{n}/{}/{sx}/{n1}/{n2}/{1}/{2}/{sx1}/{sx2}/{sp} ... {size of sample}/{mean of sample}/{sample standard deviation}/{size of sample 1}/{size of sample 2}/{mean of sample 1}/{mean of sample 2}/{standard deviation of sample 1}/{standard deviation of sample 2}/{standard deviation of sample p}

{RESLT}* ... {statistical calculation output values}{TEST} ... {test calculation results}

{p}/{z}/{t}/{Chi}/{F}/{ }/{ 1}/{ 2}/{df}/{se}/{r}/{r2}/{pa}/{Fa}/{Adf}/{SSa}/{MSa}/{pb}/{Fb}/ {Bdf}/{SSb}/{MSb}/{pab}/{Fab}/{ABdf}/{SSab}/{MSab}/{Edf}/{SSe}/{MSe}

... {p-value}/{zscore}/{t score}/{Χ2 value}/{F value}/{estimated sample proportion}/ {estimated proportion of sample 1}/{estimated proportion of sample 2}/{degrees of freedom}/{standard error}/{correlation coefficient}/{coefficient of determination}/ {factor A p-value}/{factor A F value}/{factor A degrees of freedom}/{factor A sum of squares}/{factor A mean squares}/{factor B p-value}/{factor B F value}/{factor B degrees of freedom}/{factor B sum of squares}/ {factor B mean squares}/{factor AB p-value}/{factor AB F value}/{factor AB degrees of freedom}/{factor AB sum of squares}/{factor AB mean squares}/{error degrees of freedom}/{error sum of squares}/{error mean squares}

{INTR} ... {confidence interval calculation results}

{Left}/{Right}/{ }/{ 1}/{ 2}/{df} ... {confidence interval lower limit (left edge)}/ {confidence interval upper limit (right edge)}/{estimated sample proportion}/ {estimated proportion of sample 1}/{estimated proportion of sample 2}/{degrees of freedom}

{DIST} ... {distribution calculation results}

{p}/{xInv}/{x1Inv}/{x2Inv}/{zLow}/{zUp}/{tLow}/{tUp} ... {probability distribution

or cumulative distribution calculation result (p-value)}/{inverse Student-t, Χ2, F, binomial, Poisson, geometric or hypergeometric cumulative distribution calculation result}/{inverse normal cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge) or lower limit (left edge)}/{inverse normal cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge)}/{normal cumulative distribution lower limit (left edge)}/{normal cumulative distribution upper limit (right edge)}/{Student-tcumulative distribution lower limit (left edge)}/{Student-tcumulative distribution upper limit (right edge)}

SGRPH — Recalling graph functions

{Y}/{r} ... {rectangular coordinate or inequality function}/{polar coordinate function}

{Xt}/{Yt} ... parametric graph function {Xt}/{Yt}{X} ... {X=constant graph function}Press these keys before inputting a value to specify a memory area.SDYNA* — Recalling dynamic graph setup data

{Strt}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {coefficient range start value}/{coefficient range end value}/ {coefficient value increment}

STABL — Recalling table setup and content data

{Strt}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {table range start value}/{table range end value}/{table value increment}

{Reslt*1} ... {matrix of table contents}

*1 The Reslt item appears only when the TABL menu is displayed in the RUN • MAT (or RUN) and PRGM modes.
