Example 2 To add 456 to variable A and store the result in variable B

?T(A)CDE? ?J(B)U

STo assign the same value to more than one variable

[value]? [first variable name]?(~) [last variable name]U

• You cannot use “r” or “ΘΘ” as a variable name.


To assign a value of 10 to variables A through F



SString Memory

You can store up to 20 strings (named Str 1 to Str 20) in string memory. Stored strings can be output to the display or used inside functions and commands that support the use of strings as arguments.

For details about string operations, see “Strings” (page 8-18).


To assign string “ABC” to Str 1 and then output Str 1 to the display

?( A -LOCK)$(”)T(A)

J(B)((C)$(”)?(Releases Alpha Lock.)



* fx-7400GII: (Str)

String is displayed justified left.

Perform the above operation in the Linear input/output mode. It cannot be performed in the Math input/output mode.

SFunction Memory


Function memory is convenient for temporary storage of often-used expressions. For longer term storage, we recommend that you use the GRAPH mode for expressions and the PRGM mode for programs.

{STO}/{RCL}/{fn}/{SEE} ... {function store}/{function recall}/{function area specification as a variable name inside an expression}/{function list}
