Using the Mixer

MIC/INST Parameters

MIC/INST parameters include settings related to the T-4 (INST IN) and T-6 (MIC IN) terminals.

Parameter Name


Setting Range


Specifies if sound input should be output (on) or not output (oFF).

oFF, on*

(Mic/Inst Enable)







Specifies the volume level of sound input.

0 to 80* to 127

(Mic/Inst Volume)*1




Specifies the stereo pan position of sound input. 0 indicates the center, while a

–64 to 0* to +63

(Mic/Inst Pan)

smaller values shifts to the left and a larger value shifts to the right.





DSP Line

Specifies whether DSP should be applied to sound input.

oFF*, on

(Mic/Inst DSP Line)







Specifies how much reverb is applied to sound input.

0 to 40* to 127

(Mic/Inst Reverb Send)







Specifies how much chorus effect is applied to sound input.

0* to 127

(Mic/Inst Chorus Send)







Cuts low-volume input sounds, which decreases noise. Allows a signal to pass

0 to 20* to 127

(Mic/Inst Noise Gate

through if it is above the set threshold (gate open). Does not allow a signal to



pass if it is below the threshold (gate closed).



Specifies the amount of time for the gate to go from open to fully closed when an

0 to 64* to 127

(Mic/Inst Noise Gate

input sound signal falls below the threshold value specified by “N.Thresh”.



Setting 0 will abruptly cut off the sound, while a larger value will cause the gate



to close more slowly.





Auto Level

Automatically controls the input signal level. Selecting “oFF” disables this

oFF*, 1 to 3

(Mic/Inst Auto Level

feature, while a larger value applies a greater degree of control.





*1 See the block diagram under “Configuration of Effects” (page E-29).
