TN3270 Configuration Task List
Task | Command |
(Optional) Create named links to hosts. A link | link name [rmac rmac] [rsap rsap] |
should be configured to each potential NN server. |
(The alternative is to configure the NN servers to |
connect to DLUR.) If VRN is used it is not |
necessary to configure links to other hosts. Do not |
configure multiple links to the same host. |
Configure PUs under DLUR
This task is required when configuring DLUR connected hosts. To configure PUs under the DLUR function, perform the following tasks beginning in DLUR configuration mode.
Task | Command |
Create a PU function under DLUR and enter PU | pu |
configuration mode. |
Assign a TCP port other than the default of 23. |
Specify the idle time for server disconnect. |
Specify the maximum time allowed between | keepalive |
keepalive marks before the server disconnects. |
Specify whether the TN3270 session will |
disconnect when an UNBIND command is |
received. |
Select whether | |
generic LU pool. |
The pu command entered in DLUR configuration mode has different parameters than when it is entered from TN3270 configuration mode.
Monitor the TN3270 Server
The following table lists some of the monitoring tasks specific to the TN3270 server. To display the full list of show commands, enter show ? at the EXEC prompt.
Use the following commands in privileged EXEC mode:
Task | Command |
Display the current server configuration parameters | show extended channel |
and the status of the PUs defined in each server. |
Display the PU configuration parameters, statistics | show extended channel |
and all the LUs currently attached to the PU. |
Display the status of the LU.
show extended channel
Display the information about LUs that are defined | show extended channel |
under an IP address. | |
Display information about the DLUR components. | show extended channel |
16Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor