Chapter 3 Installing the Router
Using Flash Memory Cards in the RP
To format a new Flash memory card, follow these steps:
Step 1 Insert the Flash memory card into slot 0 or slot 1 on the RP. (This example uses slot 0.)
Step 2 Enter the format slot0: command at the privileged EXEC mode prompt on the system console:
Router# format slot0:
All sectors will be erased, proceed? [confirm]
Enter volume id (up to 30 characters): MyNewCard
Formatting sector n
Format device slot0 completed
The console displays the “Formatting sector n” line in the sample output shown above. When the count reaches 1, the formatting process is complete and the new Flash memory card is ready for use.
For complete command descriptions and configuration information, refer to the Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference and the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide in the Cisco IOS documentation set. For information on obtaining these publications, see the “If You Need More Information” section on page
Specify a Boot Image
Use the procedure in this section to identify a sample Cisco IOS software image (new.image in this example) that is to be made bootable from a Flash memory card. The software configuration register must be set to 0x2102 during this procedure to boot the image from a Flash memory card; therefore, the
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# no boot system
Router(config)# boot system flash slot0:new.image
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Router# reload
| Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide |