Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software
Configuring the Data Dumper
Step 4 To change the percentage of disk usage at which alarming and disk trimming is initiated, modify the
value of the diskmonitor.Threshold parameter. The default value is 80.
Step 5 To change the number of days that finished CDR files are kept in the log directory, modify the value of
the diskmonitor.CdrRmFinished parameter. The default value is 0, which means that finished CDRs are
immediately sent to the spool directory.
Step 6 If you want to change what action is taken once the number of days threshold set in the diskmonitor.Limit
parameter is reached, change the value of the diskmonitor.SoftLimit parameter. If this parameter is set
to true, disk monitor decrements the value in the diskmonitor.Limit parameter one day at a time (that is,
from 7 down to 6 then down to 5 and so on), until the utilization level drops below the threshold. If this
parameter is set to false, disk monitor exits and the system generates a DISK alarm. The default value is
Step 7 To change the number of days that core dump files are kept in the log directory, modify the value of the
diskmonitor.CoreRmDays parameter. The default value is 1, which means that core dump files are kept
for one day before disk monitor removes them automatically.
Step 8 You can control the maximum number of configurations that can be stored in the configuration library
using the diskmonitor.CfgRmDirs parameter. The valid values are the range of integers from 3 through
64. The default value is 64. This parameter is not present in the XECfgParm.dat file initially. If you want
to modify the value, you must enter the parameter manually into the file.
Note If you want to ensure the proper functioning of the prov-sync MML command, set this
parameter to a value between 50 and 60.
Note Entering a value outside of the range of valid values (3 through 64) disables monitoring of the
number of entries stored in the configuration library.
Step 9 Save your changes.
This completes the procedures for configuring disk space monitoring. If you have questions or need
assistance, see the “Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request” section on page x.
Configuring the Data Dumper
The data dumper is a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software function that controls the destinations for
active and archived log files for CDRs, measurements, and alarms, and controls when the active files are
archived. The data dumper runs automatically and works correctly with a default configuration.
However, you can customize the dumper settings by editing the dmprSink.dat file.
The following is an example of the contents of the dmprSink.dat file:
“callDetail” bin “cdr” “../var/log” “../var/spool” 1000 0 15
“measReport” csv “meas” “../var/log” “../var/spool” 500 0 15
“almState” csv “alm” “../var/log” “../var/spool” 500 0 15
Table 4-7 lists the fields that can be modified depending on your needs.