Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix D Sample Installation Scripts
Sample Configured XECfgParm.dat Files for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.6(1)
replicator.portDataChannelRecv = 2970
replicator.portCommChannelSend = 2972
replicator.portCommChannelRecv = 2974
replicator.reconnectInterval = 15
replicator.numberReadThreads = 1 # optional thread (0=no threads,1=one thread)
# Audit properties
engine.AuditTimerInterval = 1000
engine.MaxAuditCics = 32
# INAP prepaid properties
engine.RelINAPCallsAfterSwOver = true
# Disk Monitor Parameters
diskmonitor.Limit = 7 # Minimum number of days to preserve (Trimming only
occurs when threshold is exceeded. There is no maximum number of days topreserve.)
diskmonitor.Threshold = 80 # percentage full threshold
diskmonitor.SoftLimit = false # set to true to allow override of preserve limit
diskmonitor.CdrRmFinished = 0 # remove "finished" cdrs after X days (0 = immediate)
diskmonitor.OptFileSys = # list of optional filesystems to monitor (notrimming)
diskmonitor.CoreRmDays = 1 # number of days to keep the core files
diskmonitor.CfgRmDirs = 64 # remove old config directories if more than X exist (0
= disable)
# call verification utility Parameters
callver.SaveArea = ../etc/cust_specific/toolkit
# End of XE Configuration Parameter File
*.PNPopulate = disable
foverd.garpInterval = 0
engine.SendHardwareBlock = false
*.maxNumPril3IOCCs = 3
*.FaxUpspeedCodecPreference = null
ISDNBRI.tcpPingPort = 0
*.MMLManualBlockingCic = 0
*.analysisCapabilityLevel = 0