Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix D Sample Installation Scripts
Sample Configured XECfgParm.dat Files for Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.6(1)
# Specialized "autonomous" flags for debug, fault isolation
# engine.autonomous = true
# cfgM.autonomous = true
Talk2.autonomous = false
# procM
procM.minCheckHealthInterval = 10 # smallest check health interval
procM.minCheckHealthTimeout = 20 # smallest check health timeout
procM.minKillGracePeriod = 5 # smallest kill grace period
procM.almDwellInterval = 15 # seconds to wait before clearingalarm
procM.procHealthDfltAlmCat = pmDefault # default alarm category for PM
procM.servicesDir = ../var # location of PM temporary FIFOs
procM.servFmt = PM_%d_%d_input # format of PM temporary FIFOs
procM.recovDbFile = ../var/procMRecovery # PM recovery info
procM.logDBFile = ../var/procMLogTable # log info for recovery only
procM.runAsDaemon = true
# cfgM
cfgM.recovDbFile = ../var/cfgMRecovery # CfgM recovery info
# Engine
engine.SysPropagateChanAvail = false # auto-blocking of C7 cics and ISDN sigPaths
engine.SysGeneratedCode = true
engine.SysGRSTimerInterval = 0
engine.SysGRSBlockSize = 0
engine.SysSGCPRetryCount = 3 # max number of SGCP retry messages after failure
engine.SysSGCPRetryTimerInterval = 1000 # interval between retransmission (msec)
engine.SysCLIval = false
engine.SysToneDetect = false
engine.SysNumTrans = false
engine.SysMinOverlap = 0
engine.SysMaxOverlap = 28
engine.SysGSMTimerInterval = 10000 # GSM to be sent (milliseconds)
engine.LCMMdlFile = ../lib/lcm # LSI call model
engine.CCMdlFile = ../lib/cc # call context
engine.mdoDir = ../lib/ # where .mdo files live
engine.VersionTimeoutValue = 10000 # Interval for version messages (msec)
engine.MDLANumberScreening = 0 # use calling party number for a number screening
engine.SysMdlMemoryReduction = 1
engine.CircuitReservation = false # Do/Don't use circuit reservation feature
engine.CallBackDBCleanUpTimer = 3600000 # Call Back DB clean up timer in mini seconds
(min:600000 to max:10800000 )
*.MaxNumTGAdvances = 1 # Limit on num Trunk Group Advance actions
*.RedirectingATree = 0
*.ClearingLocation = 0 # 0 = Normal mapping behaviour, LCM will not override
the Clearing Location field in Call Context
*.DefaultLocation = 0 # 0 = Normal protocol defined default value, LCM will
not override the Default Location field in Call Context
*.detailedCallEventCapture = 1