process. This upgrade method keeps critical VMs running by enabling you to live migrate them to other hosts in the pool and then to upgrade one host at a time. This process takes only one XenServer host offline at a time.
You can perform a rolling pool upgrade using XenCenter or the xe CLI. If you are using XenCenter, Citrix recommends using the Rolling Pool Upgrade wizard. This wizard organizes the upgrade path automatically and guides you through the upgrade procedure. If you are using the xe CLI, you need to perform the rolling upgrade manually by first planning your upgrade path and then live migrating running VMs between XenServer hosts accordingly.
Rolling Pool Upgrade should not be used with Boot from SAN environments. For more information on upgrading boot from SAN environments see Appendix B, Boot From SAN Environments.
The Rolling Pool Upgrade wizard is included in the latest version of XenCenter and intended for those upgrading from XenServer version 5.6 or later to the current version of XenServer. XenServer hosts running versions older than 5.6 need to be manually upgraded (via XenCenter or the xe CLI) through each intermediate release until they are at version 5.6.
If you are upgrading pools (from version 5.6 or later to the current version of XenServer) that contain Citrix StorageLink Gateway SRs, note that only the following adapters are supported: NetApp and Dell EqualLogic. If the pool contains VMs running on any other types of Citrix StorageLink Gateway SRs, do not upgrade the pool.
Before you upgrade, you need to first detach any supported Citrix StorageLink Gateway SRs and then, once you have upgraded,
If the default SR in the pool you wish to upgrade is a supported StorageLink Gateway SR, you must set the default to an SR of a different type
7.1.1. Upgrading XenServer Hosts Using the XenCenter Rolling Pool Upgrade Wizard
You can use the Rolling Pool Upgrade wizard to upgrade XenServer hosts — hosts in a pool or standalone — from version 5.6 or later to the current version of XenServer. For details on planning a manual rolling pool upgrade for earlier versions of XenServer, see Section 7.3, “Upgrading XenServer to Version 5.6 or Earlier Using XenCenter”.
The wizard guides you through the upgrade procedure and organizes the upgrade path automatically. For pools, each of the hosts in the pool is upgraded in turn, starting with the pool master. Before starting an upgrade, the wizard conducts a series of prechecks to ensure that certain
The wizard can operate in Manual or Automatic mode:
•In Manual Mode, you must manually run the XenServer installer on each XenServer host in turn and follow the
•In Automatic Mode, the wizard uses network installation files located on an HTTP, NFS or FTP server to upgrade each host in turn, without requiring you to insert installation media, manually reboot, or step through the installer on each host. If you choose to perform a rolling pool upgrade in this manner, then you must unpack the XenServer installation media onto your HTTP, NFS or FTP server before starting the upgrade.